Produse pentru • i (4)

Containere pentru probe de sol - Containere pentru probe de sol 120x70x50 mm

Containere pentru probe de sol - Containere pentru probe de sol 120x70x50 mm

Il contenitore per campioni di terreno è progettato per fornire una soluzione comoda e affidabile per la raccolta e il trasporto di campioni di terreno per l'analisi in laboratorio. La scatola di cartone è di dimensioni 120x70x50 mm, offrendo ampio spazio per il campione di terreno. È facile e veloce da piegare senza bisogno di punti metallici, garantendo un lavoro ergonomico e risparmiando tempo. Il cartone utilizzato è di alta qualità, garantendo il trasporto sicuro del campione di terreno senza alcun danno o contaminazione. Con questo contenitore per campioni di terreno, puoi raccogliere e trasportare con sicurezza campioni di terreno per analisi accurate e risultati affidabili. Lunghezza:120 mm Larghezza:70 mm Altezza:50 mm
Construire de mașini personalizate – dispozitive pentru fiecare industrie

Construire de mașini personalizate – dispozitive pentru fiecare industrie

Businesses that need specially designed device for a particular business should contact our company. We are in the business of custom machine building, which means that we can design and build devices for any type of business: from the food and medical industries to the woodworking, automotive or electronic equipment industries. Our customers can count not only on efficient implementation, but also on full technical support. After getting acquainted with the specifics of a given business, we will propose favorable technological solutions for the case. What does custom machine building include? We not only deal with the building of custom machines, but also with their prior design. Once the customer accepts all our ideas, we proceed to construct the devices. We provide professional workmanship, including both assembly and implementation. During each stage of work, we are guided by professionalism, reliability, precision and punctuality. We do not
Boilere pe Gaz – Camere de Boilere - Boilere pe Gaz Ateliere de Vopsire Uscătoare Boiler pe Gaz

Boilere pe Gaz – Camere de Boilere - Boilere pe Gaz Ateliere de Vopsire Uscătoare Boiler pe Gaz

Kotły Piece Gazowe – Kotłownie, Domowe Kotłownie Piece Kotły Gazowe Lakiernie Suszarnie Piec Gazowy Palniki Przemysłowe małej ,średniej i dużej mocy. Palniki Gazowe i Olejowe , Serwis Palników, Kotłowni - kotłownie Serwis małopolska Kraków, Montaż, Przeglądy ,Palniki na Gaz i Olej ,Sklep ,Sprzedaż Palników , Części zamienne, Obsługa Serwisowa -serwis Kotłowni ,Umowy Serwisowe, Automatyka ,Instalacje ,Przeglądy okresowe ,Kotłownie Gazowe i Olejowe
Construcția de mașini de producție – personalizarea mașinilor pentru industrie

Construcția de mașini de producție – personalizarea mașinilor pentru industrie

Our offer includes construction of production machinery. We are constantly developing our business to be able to offer customers devices that will significantly improve efficiency during production. We handle both the design and implementation, as well as the commissioning and programming of machines. We are staffed by qualified engineers who are constantly keeping up to date with the latest technological solutions. In our company, we deal with the automation of industrial production, we will design for you a machine equipped with the latest software. Turn to us if you want your industrial machines to be innovative and efficient. We customize them for a variety of industries during production.Industrial operations today are unable to function without common technological solutions. Automating production processes significantly increases the efficiency of the entire company, and, as we all know, technology is still evolving strongly. Therefore, it is worth investing